Supporting Local Businesses in Tauranga

How To Support Local Businesses In Tauranga

Here is Má Pon during one of her trips to our local market. We shop locally to get the freshest ingredients. As a bonus we are also helping the environment, supporting local businesses and their employees, and keeping more money in the community.

We locally source our produce because buying local means fresher ingredients and has less environmental impact plus we are supporting our local farmers.

The restaurant industry is one industry that is tough to operate and with the present health crisis, we are faced with even more challenges as the demand for dining out has largely decreased.

Small businesses like ours rely on patronage and good relationships. Now more than ever, this is the time to support the local community. When you support a local business, you are supporting their dreams, their families, and those of their employees. We support local by buying local.

Supporting Local Businesses in Tauranga

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